The ‘Save America’s Unicorns’ campaign was created by Sasha Markova, aka Gangs of Kosmos and Mariano Cassisc. The objective was to raise awareness about North American wild horses and to help implement kinder methods of population control. While there are currently herds of mustangs running freely on public land, up to 50,000 of these majestic creatures have been placed in brutal captivity by the government.
Earlier this summer, the House of Representatives began to entertain discussions on lifting a historic no-slaughter ban which prevented the killing of wild horses and donkeys. As of last week, the campaign ended with an amazing piece of news – the Senate overruled The House of Representatives, putting forward a bill which not only protects America’s “unicorns”, but enforces more human treatment of these amazing animals.
We brought in the L.A based composer, Marshman to take on the score. It goes without saying, we were thrilled to be asked to Music Supervise this amazing campaign.